Essential Magazine Journalism Skills For The Future

What skills do magazine journalists need to make the crossover to digital media? A rapid increase in the advancement of technology has disrupted and transformed many industries. The magazine journalism industry is no exception. Our favourite magazines now exist in print as well as digital format, while others no longer exist in their print form […]

20 Essential Editing Tips

Finally finished a piece of writing that you want to submit to an editor? Woohoo! But before you hit the ‘send’ button, be sure to follow these vital editing tips to polish your article. STEP 1: You make an effort so your reader doesn’t have to. First try to write your rough draft freely, without […]

Eleven Ways To Draw In Your Reader

Here are 11 ways to draw in your reader and keep them hooked. Each one of these ways takes time to master, so do expect to do quite a bit of sculpting and playing with words until you get it perfect. 1. Use strong, visual verbs to set the scene. Some writers suggest that your […]