Student Success Story: Tanja Wijnen’s Path to Becoming a Published Children’s Author

Tanja Wijnen, author of The Pangolin Killers, from the Writers College

Tanja Wijnen, the talented author of The Pangolin Killers (Danish title: Skældyrsjægerne), crafted her debut children’s book while studying with the Writers College. Guided by award-winning author and mentor Helen Brain through the Write a Children’s Book Course, Tanja’s experience with publication is as exciting as her book’s plot. And her success didn’t end there: […]

Sally’s Secrets of Self-Publishing Success

Sally Gutteridge writer

Sally Gutteridge has found her niche and she has a tribe: she makes a living writing about dogs for people who love dogs as much as she does. Her first non-fiction book went to number one in the Amazon dog care section the day it was released. It has sold 17,328 copies to date. She […]